The Information Capable Special Database. Our brain is divided into three parts. Each of them has different functions, namely: brain of lower mammals, responsible for the emotional side ;rational brain, responsible for the ability to create ;reptilian brain, responsible for the human survival instinct .The study of neurosales proposes the analysis of the reptilian brain, with the Special Database aim of stimulating these instinctive senses that, by themselves, can be responsible for a purchase.This is done through mental triggers, which are strategies capable of increasing a person's interest in brands and products.How does neuroselling work?The neuroventa process is developed on specific pillars. The first of these is the pillar of egocentrism , the main characteristic of the reptilian brain.
We can understand it as the perception of the need to acquire a material good for oneself.Then comes the contrast, that moment when the Special Database human being needs to make quick and usually binary decisions. It can be yes or no, for example. In the case of purchases: I need it or I don't need it .Tangibility , another pillar , encompasses the set of information that is quickly assimilated by the human being. They should be simple and easy to consume.Finally, we have the beginning, middle, and end and the emotion . The first of these two pillars represents a speech that begins Special Database by exploring the information, develops it, and ends with a practical reinforcement of the initial message. In the case of emotion, we have as a fact that.
The information capable of emotionally touching the human being is more powerful and able to remain in the brain for longer. By Special Database contacting the pillars, you can think that the process occurs in a complete and detailed way, taking a certain amount of time. But in fact, the brain is expected to assimilate this information in fractions of a second.Well, now you have been able to understand the concept of neurosales in theory. As an example, look at the “recipe” for the ideal Special Database strategy: capture the attention of the lead by touching him emotionally, highlighting the advantages of your product and adding value to it; the solution came at the best possible time and is able to meet the immediate needs of that person;